Upcoming Dates
Development Committee Meeting
Monday, February 12th @ 5:00 PM
K-11 Spirit Day – Decades Day
Friday, February 16th
K-12 Talent Show
Friday, February 16th @ 6:00 PM
Presidents Week – NO SCHOOL
February 19th – 23rd
NASA Hunch Culinary Challenge – HS Campus
Wednesday, February 28th @ 4:30 PM
Glee Concert – K-8 Gym
Wednesday, February 28th @ 6:00 PM
Finance and Charter Impact Committee Meetings
Thursday, February 29th @ 5:00 & 6:00 PM

Our 8th grade humanities students performed their spoken word poetry this week. Spoken word is a project based unit where 8th grade students dive deep into figurative language by studying professional spoken word artists, composing their own scripts, memorizing them, and performing them in front of their peers!

Kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school because this is an important milestone for our youngest Explorers! By the end of kindergarten we want all our Explorers to be able to count to 100 and this makes it such a special event!

Our ninth graders had an incredible journey to Sonoma State University! Their field lesson was an inspiring exploration of higher education, where curiosity met opportunity. From campus tours to eating in the dining hall, they immersed themselves in a world of possibility. Thank you to our counseling team and our ninth grade Advisory team for leading the way!
K-12 Announcements
Westlake Weekly Podcast: CLICK HERE for this week’s Westlake Weekly Podcast.
K-12 Conference Week: Conference week is March 4th – 8th. The online scheduler is available February 12th – March 3rd. CLICK HERE to schedule your conference. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use the online scheduler.
Talent Show: You are invited! Join us in the K-8 gymnasium THIS Friday, February 16th @ 6:00 PM for our K-12 Talent Show! Come show your WCS spirit by supporting our performers! Don’t miss the amazing staff dance! The event is free to attend.
Presidents Week: Both campuses and BASE will be closed for Presidents Week Monday February 19th through Friday, February 23rd. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday, February 26th.
Hearing and Vision Screening: We will have our annual hearing and vision screening for the K-8 campus on February 26th & 27th, and the high school campus on February 29th. The screenings are for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th and 10th grade students. Letters went home last week. If you would like your student to opt out, please email [email protected].
Counselor’s Corner Newsletter: CLICK HERE for the Counselor’s Corner Newsletter. It’s loaded with important information from our K-12 counselors.
K-8 Announcements
Pedestrian Safety Campaign Launch: Mark your calendars! From February 26th – March 8th, WCS will be launching a Pedestrian Safety Campaign based on data collected in the neighborhood that was analyzed by our amazing parent and community partnerships. We need adult volunteers to help at arrival and dismissal during the week of March 4th – March 8th. CLICK HERE to sign up. Thank you for your participation and partnership in keeping our students safe!
Missoula Children’s Theater Company: On Monday, March 4th at 1:45 PM, all K-8 students are welcome to audition for Missoula Theater Company’s production of Peter & Wendy. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be in a professional show. CLICK HERE for details. CLICK HERE to RSVP to audition.
9-12 Announcements
Link Crew Pal-entines Study Night: Link Leaders are hosting a study night for our amazing 9th graders on Thursday, February 15th from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at the high school campus! Ninth graders can get their homework done while making new friends. There will be snacks, games, and time to hang out together in a relaxed environment.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT): Our 11th grade students will have the opportunity to take the SAT here on campus during the school day on Wednesday, March 13th. Students must opt-in by February 28th to participate in testing. CLICK HERE for the form to opt in if you would like your 11th grader to take the SAT on March 13th.
Food Truck Friday: We are excited about our upcoming Food Truck Friday which will take place on Friday, February 16th. During lunch on this day, students may choose to purchase lunch from the food trucks or select from our regular lunch offerings.
Tenth Grade Field Lesson to UC Merced: Our tenth grade students will be exploring the UC Merced campus on Tuesday, February 27th. Students will have a chance to tour the campus, learn about the UC Merced student experience, and have lunch in the dining hall. Students need to complete their permission slip and turn them in to participate. Please note students need to be on campus at 8:00 AM on this day and will return after school is out at 4:30 PM.
Science Night: On Wednesday, March 27th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM, WAVE will host Sierra Nevada Journeys for our annual Science Night. Sierra Nevada Journeys is a premier outdoor science education non-profit serving Nevada and California and they’ll be providing science and STEM activities for our community.
International Festival: Do you have a culture or heritage you would like to share with the community? Sign up to host a Cultural Booth at our 19th Annual International Festival on Saturday, April 27th! Cultural Booth Hosts may provide a small sampling of native cuisine, cultural artifacts, a children’s activity/game, and/or anything else you would like to demonstrate or display. The booth can be as simple or complex as you would like. We would love to have as many cultures represented as possible. If you are interested in hosting a cultural booth, representing your family’s culture and heritage you can reach out to [email protected].
Staff Appreciation: While we appreciate our staff everyday for taking care of and nurturing our children’s education, we get one week out of the school year to really show our gratitude. We decorate the staff lounge and bring breakfast, lunch, snacks, sweets and a special gift to show how much we appreciate all our Westlake staff does for our families. If you are interested in helping out decorating or serving meals please reach out to [email protected].
2024-25 WAVE Board Elections: Are you interested in getting more involved with the Westlake Association of Volunteer Explorers (WAVE)? Join the WAVE board and help us make the 2024-25 school year amazing! All board positions of President, Vice President of Parent Participation, Vice President of Business Affairs, Treasurer, and Secretary are coming up for election in May. Joining the WAVE Board is a great way to guide school culture and make the WCS community a wonderful place for all staff and families. If you are interested in learning more or finding out how to get involved, please contact Toni Elgamiel, WAVE President, at [email protected] or Shari Kantor at [email protected].
Save the Date:
- February 16th @ 6:00 PM: K-12 Talent Show
- February 28th from 4:00 – 8:00 PM: Restaurant Fundraiser @ Chipotle (2800 Del Paso Rd.)
- March 4th – 9th: Missoula Children’s Theatre
- March 27th @ 5:30 PM: Science Night
- April 27th: 19th Annual International Festival
- May 6th – 10th: Staff Appreciation Week
- May 10th: Game Night
Spirit Store: CLICK HERE to purchase Westlake gear
Kudos: A special thank you to the people who made our K-5 Family Dance possible: Christina Kimble for organizing and helping to decorate; Felix Flores for offering his amazing DJ skills; all of the volunteers who helped set up; the amazing folks who ran the food table; and last, but definitely not least, the wonderful people who stayed behind to help clean up. Thank you for an amazing event and we look forward to our next one!