Upcoming Dates
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL
Monday, January 15th
Prospective Parent Tours – K-8 Campus
Tuesday, January 16th @ 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, & 6:00 PM
Prospective Parent Tours – HS Campus
Wednesday, January 17th @ 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM
WAVE Board Meeting – K-8 Library
Wednesday, January 17th @ 6:00 PM
NUSD Facilities Master Plan Meeting – Star Academy
Thursday, January 18th @ 6:00 PM
Coffee Talk – K-8 Covered Dining
Friday, January 19th @ 8:30 AM
The Great Kindness Challenge
January 22nd – 26th

WCHS welcomed students back this past week to begin a new semester. Students and staff finished the fall semester strong and are looking forward to all that is to come this spring semester.

Our Third Grade Explorers learned about the life cycle of the salmon at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery! It was slimy Explorer learning at its finest!

Thank you to all of our Explorer volunteers who took part in collecting data for our pedestrian safety campaign. Collecting this data will allow us to ensure safety for all of our students, families, and staff.
K-12 Announcements
Westlake Weekly Podcast: CLICK HERE for this week’s Westlake Weekly Podcast.
Future Permanent High School Campus Public Meeting: In a recent Natomas Unified School District survey, the Westlake Charter School community expressed great interest in building a permanent high school facility. To make this vision a reality, we will need high levels of parent involvement. This is where you come in. On Thursday, January 18th, NUSD will hold the last two of four public meetings regarding the Facilities Master Plan (FMP): A virtual meeting at 11:00 AM and an in-person meeting at 6:00 PM at Star Academy which will be focused on Charter School families and their vision regarding the FMP. CLICK HERE for more information.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: On Monday, January 15th Westlake Charter School will be observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. There will be no school and our BASE program will be closed.
Prospective Parent Tours: We are excited to welcome prospective parents to both of our campuses this upcoming week. Please spread the word to those who are interested in joining for tours and information on the following dates:
- K-8 Campus – Tuesday, January 16th @ 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, & 6:00 PM
- HS Campus – Wednesday, January 17th @ 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM
K-12 Talent Show Sign-Up Deadline: THIS Tuesday, January 23rd: CLICK HERE to sign up to audition to be a host, perform a talent, or be part of the stage crew team! The deadline to sign up to audition is THIS Tuesday, January 23, 2024.
- Auditions: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
- Talent Show Performance: Friday, February 16th @ 6:00 PM
GATE Testing: The goal of Westlake Charter School’s GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program is to provide differentiated learning opportunities during the regular school day for our students. All current 2nd graders and referred 3rd-11th graders will be given the opportunity to take the GATE qualification test. Parent referral forms for students currently enrolled in grades 3rd-11th will be accepted until January 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM. CLICK HERE for the parent referral form. CLICK HERE for more information about the GATE program at WCS.
K-8 Announcements
Spelling Bee: Invitations were sent home with class winners right before winter break! We look forward to families joining in on the fun on Tuesday, January 23rd at 5:30 PM on our K-8 Campus! Let’s E-X-P-L-O-R-E!!!
Volleyball Interest 6-8 students: Our 6-8 volleyball season will start the week of January 22nd. Teams are co-ed and open to all ability levels. CLICK HERE to sign up your middle school Explorer. Athlete participant packets are required for all student athletes. CLICK HERE for the digital version or pick up a hard copy from the front office. Reach out to Coach Sterling with any questions at [email protected].
Learning Lab: We want to invite 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to the Learning Lab after school. The Learning Lab is staffed by an instructional aide to assist Middle School students with their classwork and homework. Families can sign up their Middle School student(s) by using School Dismissal Manager. The Learning Lab is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:15 – 3:45 PM.
9-12 Announcements
Upcoming Home Athletics:
- Thursday, January 18th: Home – Boys JV, Girls Varsity, & Boys Varsity Basketball vs. John Adams Academy Roseville, 4:30 PM, 6:00 PM, and 7:30 PM
- Friday, January 19th: Home – Boys JV & Boys Varsity Basketball vs. John Adams Academy El Dorado Hills, 5:00 PM, and 6:30 PM
Fall Semester Report Cards: Report cards were mailed home on Friday, January 12th. Please keep an eye on your mailbox to ensure you receive your student’s report card. If you do not receive a report card, please reach out to [email protected] to confirm your address and receive a new copy.
Course Change Requests and Opting into Honors Courses: Students can submit course change requests, including opting into honors courses, until January 23rd. CLICK HERE for the course change request form. Note: This form is accessible by students when they are logged into their Westlake accounts.
K-5 Family Dance: Join us for our Inaugural K-5 Family Dance entitled “Enchanted Evening” held on February 3rd at 5:30 PM. Tickets are $15 each and may be purchased as follows until the event is sold out:
- Purchase in person at the Maybrook Gate each morning. Payments can be made with cash or card.
- Purchase via Venmo (Username: @wave-foundation). Please include your family name and the number of tickets in the description.
- CLICK HERE for the invitation
- CLICK HERE to volunteer and to donate food and drinks
- CLICK HERE to be directed to our Amazon wishlist
International Festival: Westlake has a beautifully diverse community of families from cultures all over the world. Save the date for our 19th Annual International Festival on Saturday, April 27th. Planning is already under way! We need volunteers to help with planning, setup, event day fun, clean up, and, the highlight of our International Festival: The Cultural Booths hosted by our very own WCS families. We are in need of booth hosts to make this event a success!
- Cultural booth hosts may provide a small sampling of native cuisine, cultural artifacts, a children’s activity/game and/or anything else you would like to demonstrate or display. The booth can be as simple or complex as you would like. We would love to have as many cultures represented as possible. If you are interested in hosting a cultural booth, representing your family’s culture and heritage you can reach out to [email protected].
Volunteer: Want to get involved? Westlake provides many different opportunities to spend time and contribute to your child’s school life. Would you like to volunteer in the classroom assisting your child’s teacher with in class or home projects, or volunteer with our fun parent community to plan and host events? CLICK HERE to see the many opportunities to get involved!
Logging Volunteer Hours: We are at 6% of our total parent volunteer hours logged. Please remember to log your volunteer hours! You can CLICK HERE to log your hours, or you can navigate from www.westlakecharter.com by hovering over the WAVE tab, then clicking on “Volunteer” and scrolling to the bottom of the page to enter your family’s volunteer hours. Once you’re there, bookmark it for future use! If you would like to get involved CLICK HERE to fill out our volunteer interest form.
Save the Date:
- NUSD Public Meetings:
- January 18th @ 11:00 AM: Virtual
- January 18th @ 6:00 PM: Star Academy
- January 17th @ 6:00 PM: WAVE Board Meeting – K-8 Library
- January 19th @ 8:30 AM: Coffee Talk – K-8 Covered Dining
- February 3rd @ 5:30 PM: K-5 Family Dance
- February 16th @ 6:00 PM: K-12 Talent Show
- March 4th – 10th: Missoula Children’s Theatre
- March 27th @ 5:30 PM: Science Night
- April 27th: 19th Annual International Festival
Spirit Store: CLICK HERE to purchase Westlake gear.
Kudos: Thank you to each of the families who showed up to the NUSD Facilities Master Plan meetings in support of building our future permanent high school campus. There are still two opportunities to get involved and make your voice heard (see Save the Dates above). We hope to see you there!