Upcoming Dates

  • WCHS Back to School Night

    Wednesday, August 28th

  • Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

    Monday, September 2nd

  • Launch of Olympic Triathlon

    Tuesday, September 3rd

  • Bingo Night

    Friday, September 13th

  • WCHS Homecoming Spirit Week

    September 16th – 20th

  • K-8 Spirit Day – Sports Day

    Friday, September 20th

  • WCHS Homecoming Dance

    Saturday, September 21st

Recent Posts


Our K-8 Back to School Night was a hit! Thank you to all the families that came out to learn about how to support their Explorer and teacher at school this year. #BetterTogether

Our K-8 Back to School Night was a hit! Thank you to all the families that came out to learn about how to support their Explorer and teacher at school this year. #BetterTogether

Our WCHS Cross Country season is underway as the team participated in their first meet of the season this weekend.  This year is especially momentous as we proudly field the largest team in our school's history! We're looking forward to an amazing season of teamwork, growth, and achievement from our cross country runners. Let’s go, Westlake!

Our WCHS Cross Country season is underway as the team participated in their first meet of the season this weekend. This year is especially momentous as we proudly field the largest team in our school’s history! We’re looking forward to an amazing season of teamwork, growth, and achievement from our cross country runners. Let’s go, Westlake!

We had our first WAVE General Meeting of the school year and enjoyed collaborating with our families! Our next meeting is Thursday, November 21st at 6:30 PM. Come out and join us; we would love to see you there!

We had our first WAVE General Meeting of the school year and enjoyed collaborating with our families! Our next meeting is Thursday, November 21st at 6:30 PM. Come out and join us; we would love to see you there!


K-12 Announcements

Attendance: Being at school every day has many positive impacts on your student(s) and their success in school. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school – and themselves. Start building this early in elementary school so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually, good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school, college, and in life.

If you are having trouble with getting your student to school each day, we want to support you. Please contact your student’s principal and they will gladly set up a time to collaborate with you.

Labor Day: Westlake Charter School and our BASE program will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.

Suicide Prevention: September is Suicide Prevention Month. Throughout this month, our counseling staff will launch our Suicide Prevention Week of activities for Middle and High School Explorers. Grades 6th – 12th will have lunch activities as well as visits from the counseling team during their Advisory period. We recognize the sensitive nature of the topic of suicide and we are glad to have the opportunity to inform and educate our students so that they are safe.  If you have questions or concerns about your student, please contact our Director of Student Support Services, Katie Davis, at kdavis@westlakecharter.com.

K-8 Announcements

K-8 Yearbooks: CLICK HERE to order your 2024 – 2025 K-8 yearbook directly through TreeRing and get two pages to personalize with your own pictures! Use code 101667583471473 or see the email with the link to purchase. Get 10% off your purchase until October 31st. Need help? Contact: Mrs. Liechti at kliechti@westlakecharter.com.

K-5 Library Cards: Our K-5 students will start library visits next week! This year, their student ID cards from picture day will be their library card. Their student ID cards will be sent home with them at the end of the school year. If your family needs a student ID card for your K-5th grader, please email admin@westlakecharter.com.

After School Live – Explorer Enrichment & Middle School Athletics Sign-ups: Our fall Explorer Enrichment and Middle School Athletics programs begin as early as Monday, August 26th!  However, it’s not too late to sign up!

  • CLICK HERE to see the catalog of Explorer Enrichment course offerings and information about how to sign up. E-mail amayle@westlakecharter.com with scholarship inquiries.
  • HOOPS are here! All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Explorers are invited to come play basketball! The season starts this week! Athlete packets, including a doctor’s physical clearance, are required for participation.
    • CLICK HERE to sign a middle schooler up for basketball!
    • CLICK HERE for the digital athlete packet, or pick up a hard copy from the front desk or Coach Sterling.
    • Email Coach Sterling with any questions at swynne@westlakecharter.com and check back next week for more information!

Learning Lab: The Learning Lab has officially opened! We want to invite 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to the Learning Lab afterschool.  The Learning Lab is staffed by an Instructional Aide to assist Middle School students with their classwork and homework.  Families can sign up their Middle School student(s) by using School Dismissal Manager.  The Learning Lab is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:15 – 3:45 PM.

9-12 Announcements

WCHS Back to School Night:  Our WCHS Back to School Night is THIS Wednesday, August 28th.  The evening will begin with an optional gathering in the OASIS and Commons at 5:00 PM where families can pick up their student’s class schedule and  learn more about our high school program. Classrooms will be open for presentations from 5:30 – 6:45 PM. Families will rotate through their student’s classrooms following their class schedule.

Infinite Campus Grade Books: We appreciate your patience as our new Infinite Campus grade book is still being finalized.  We want to ensure accuracy and ease of access as we complete the setup. We will notify families when the grade book is available to view your student’s progress. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Homecoming Dance and Guest Passes: Get excited for this year’s WCHS Homecoming!  Homecoming week is during the week of September 16th-20th with our Homecoming Dance happening on Saturday, September 21st.  This semi-formal dance will take place at our K-8 campus at 2680 Mabry Dr.  WCHS students are allowed to bring one approved guest to the dance.  Students bringing a guest will need to pick up a guest pass application and have it approved prior to purchasing a ticket for their guest.  Guest passes are available from our activities director, Mrs. Grimaldi and are due on September 13th.

Resources for Class of 2025: Thank you to those of us who were able to join for our Senior Information Night! We hope you found the session informative and helpful as we navigate this exciting final year of high school together. CLICK HERE to view the slide show from the night. This includes all the information discussed, including dates, graduation requirements, and post-graduation planning. CLICK HERE to visit our senior class website: Stay updated with the latest news, resources, and additional materials throughout the year.

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