K-12 Announcements
Westlake Weekly Podcast: CLICK HERE for this week’s Westlake Weekly Podcast.
K-12 Conference Week: Conference week is this week, March 4th – 8th. The online scheduler closes on March 3rd, so book your conference time today! CLICK HERE to schedule your conference. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use the online scheduler. Remember, during conference week we will dismiss early to allow time for teachers to meet with each of our families – Kindergarten will dismiss at 1:00 PM, 1st–8th grade and High School will dismiss at 1:30 PM. Our K-8 BASE program will be open after school until 6:00 PM each day.
Core Value of the Month: The Core Value for the month of March is Global Perspective!!! Teachers will be talking about Global Perspective in their Morning Meetings and Advisory classes and celebrating students who demonstrate this core value.
Spirit Day – Super Bright Day: Super Bright Day is Friday, March 15th. Students at both our K-8 and high school campus are encouraged to wear their exceptionally colorful, vibrant, and/or fluorescent clothing! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #WCSSpiritDay when posting on social media!
K-8 Announcements
Pedestrian Safety Campaign Launch: March 4th-8th, classroom and Block 1 teachers will collect signed pledges and provide students with an “I pledged” sticker that they can add to the pledge wall in the cafeteria (in addition to a sweet treat). This will demonstrate our whole campus practicing pedestrian safety!
As an added incentive, teachers have received ticket boxes for their classrooms. Students will be rewarded with tickets when observed using crosswalks, participating in the Walking School Bus, or safely entering and exiting cars during arrival and dismissal. These tickets contribute to classroom and grade level competitions, where students can earn a donut party for their class or a free dress day for their whole grade level! To get involved with the community campaign and cheer on safe choices, join us before school out front or at the Maybrook gate. We recommend arriving 5 minutes earlier to accommodate the extra walkers and ensure a stress-free morning.
Missoula Children’s Theater Company: THIS Monday, March 4th at 1:45 PM, all K-8 students are welcome to audition for Missoula Theater Company’s production of Peter & Wendy. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be in a professional show. CLICK HERE for details. CLICK HERE to RSVP to audition.
Girls on the Run: Calling all 3rd-5th grade girls! Girls on the Run is a 10-week after-school program that focuses on empowerment, personal development, and fitness. The program ends with a 5K run to celebrate the girls’ achievements. Flyers were sent home with girls this week. CLICK HERE for more information and to register. The session begins the week of March 4th.
9-12 Announcements
2023-24 WCHS Yearbook: The 2023-24 WCHS Yearbooks are available for purchase now! Each yearbook is $40. Students and families can also purchase a half-page ad for $35 or a Shout-out Message for $15. CLICK HERE to purchase your yearbook by April 26th, 2024.
Cheer and Dance Team Info Session: We are excited to be exploring the option of cheer and dance at Westlake Charter High School. If your WCHS student is ready to show school spirit, learn routines, and support our school’s athletes at games and events they should join us on Tuesday, March 5th at our student informational meeting about our Cheer and Dance team. This info session will take place during student lunch. Practices are anticipated to take place on the WCHS campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:00 PM.
High School 101 Information Event: Our annual High School 101 Night will be taking place Wednesday, March 20th from 5:00 – 6:30 PM. This event is for all current high school families and our future WCHS families. It will be held on our High School campus with presentations from our counseling team. The topics covered at this event will be:
- High School at a Glance
- Dual Enrollment & Advanced Education
- Financial Aid
- Senior Year Timeline
CLICK HERE to RSVP for this in person event. The RSVP will ask you to select the two sessions that you are interested in attending.
Science Night: On Wednesday, March 27th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM, WAVE will host Sierra Nevada Journeys for our annual Science Night. Sierra Nevada Journeys is a premier outdoor science education non-profit serving Nevada and California and they’ll be providing science and STEM activities for our community.
International Festival: Sign up to host a Cultural Booth at our 19th Annual International Festival on Saturday, April 27th! As of right now we have only 5 booths signed up and we would love to see as many countries represented as possible. Cultural Booth Hosts may provide a small sampling of native cuisine, cultural artifacts, a children’s activity/game, and/or anything else you would like to demonstrate or display. The booth can be as simple or complex as you would like. We would love to have as many cultures represented as possible. If you are interested in hosting a cultural booth, representing your family’s culture and heritage you can reach out to wcs.ifc.chair@gmail.com.
Staff Appreciation: While we appreciate our staff everyday for taking care of and nurturing our children’s education, we get one week out of the school year to really show our gratitude. This year’s theme is “Staff Wellness” and we will decorate the staff lounge, bring breakfast, lunch, snacks, sweets and a special gift to show how much we appreciate all our Westlake staff does for our families. If you are interested in helping out decorating or serving meals please reach out to wcswave@gmail.com.
2024-25 WAVE Board Elections: Are you interested in getting more involved with the Westlake Association of Volunteer Explorers (WAVE)? Join the WAVE board and help us make the 2024-25 school year amazing! All board positions of President, Vice President of Parent Participation, Vice President of Business Affairs, Treasurer, and Secretary are coming up for election in May. Joining the WAVE Board is a great way to guide school culture and make the WCS community a wonderful place for all staff and families. If you are interested in learning more or finding out how to get involved, please contact Toni Elgamiel, WAVE President, at wavewcs@gmail.com or Shari Kantor at wavetreasurer@gmail.com.
Save the Date:
- March 6th @ 6pm: WAVE Board Meeting in our K-8 Library
- March 4th-8th: K-8 Pedestrian Safety Campaign
- March 4th – 9th: Missoula Children’s Theatre
- March 15th @ 8:30AM: Coffee Talk – K-8 Covered Dining
- March 27th @ 5:30 PM: Science Night
- April 27th: 19th Annual International Festival
- May 6th – 10th: Staff Appreciation Week
- May 10th: Game Night
Spirit Store: CLICK HERE to purchase Westlake gear
Kudos: Thank you to Gurpreet Sandhu for setting up all our restaurant fundraisers and thank you to all the families that participate and show your support!