Upcoming Dates

  • Christmas Break Ends – No School
    January 2nd
  • Canned Food Drive begins
    January 3rd
  • Walking Wednesday – Del Paso
    January 4th
  • WAVE Board Meeting
    January 5th @6:30pm
  • Footloose Friday – Del Paso
    January 6th


Thank you to the families who volunteered at the gift wrapping table this weekend for the Westlake Bookfair at Barnes & Noble. Thank you families for your participation in the bookfair and the Family Night event.

Thank you to the families who volunteered at the gift wrapping table this weekend for the Westlake Bookfair at Barnes & Noble. Thank you families for your participation in the bookfair and the Family Night event.

The Westlake Charter School staff are grateful for the support of our amazing parent community. Thank you families for all that you do to make WCS feel like family.

The Westlake Charter School staff are grateful for the support of our amazing parent community. Thank you families for all that you do to make WCS feel like family.

Teachers on both campuses planned activities and crafts that took our Westlake students on a celebration of Holidays Around the World! This is a great day of joyful learning for all explorers.

Teachers on both campuses planned activities and crafts that took our Westlake students on a celebration of Holidays Around the World! This is a great day of joyful learning for all explorers.

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Olympic Triathlon Closing Ceremonies


Olympic Triathlon Success: Watch the Olympic Triathlon video above and join our community in celebrating an incredible fall season of fundraising for our school. Funds raised this year will be helping to upgrade our new campus including water bottle refill stations and flexible furniture for our learning spaces.

Canned Food Drive: The Winter holidays will soon be over, and the food cupboard is in need! Westlake Charter will be running a Canned Food Drive from Jan 3rd-Jan 20th, 2017.  All donations will be delivered to Joey’s Food Locker, which supports local Natomas families. Items of greatest need are: macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, jelly, canned vegetables, canned tuna, and canned chicken meat (no glass containers please). Please bring items to your classroom, after our Winter Break. Thank you for your donation!

Community Outreach: Click HERE to sign up. We’re looking for parent volunteers who can help staff a booth for a shift or two at the WalMart on Truxel road on January 14 & 15th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. You will be providing enrollment information to prospective parents, and maybe answering some questions about our school. If you’re interested, please complete the form below and the Westlake team will be in touch with additional details. Thank you, and as always, let’s explore!

GATE Referrals: Westlake’s annual administration of the NNAT3 Gate Test will be given the week of March 13th. The Teacher Referral Form and Parent Referral Form are due to the WCS office by February 3, 2017.

Click HERE for the Teacher Referral Form.
Click HERE for the Parent Referral Form.

NWEA: NWEA Winter MAP Testing begins after Winter Break.

Make your donations today! We demonstrate what is possible when school and community collaborate to create inspiring adults with the academic and social-emotional readiness to lead as Global Citizens. Donate Now