Upcoming Dates
WCS Book Fair
October 21st – 26th
Red Ribbon Week
October 23rd – 27th
Girls Varsity Volleyball Playoffs – K-8 Gym
Tuesday, October 24th @ 7:00 PM
Finance Committee
Thursday, October 26th @ 5:00 PM
Charter Impact Committee
Thursday, October 26th @ 6:00 PM

Our 5th graders went on a field lesson to William B. Pond to enrich their science curriculum. The field lesson consisted of on campus learning followed by wading in the pond to see the ecosystems in action! Thank you to all of our amazing chaperones for volunteering your time.

All students, K-11, participated in Mix It Up Day which encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries by stepping outside their comfort zone and connecting with someone new at lunch.

Our WCHS Girls Varsity Volleyball team won first in the league and will be heading to Section Playoffs next week! Congratulations, WCHS Explorers and Coach Francis Tobias! We are honored to be hosting the first playoff game on Tuesday, October 24th in our K-8 gym!
K-12 Announcements
Westlake Weekly Podcast: CLICK HERE for this week’s Westlake Weekly Podcast.
WCHS Girls Varsity Volleyball Playoffs: Our WCHS Girls Varsity Volleyball team placed 1st in the Northern Pacific Athletic Conference (NPAC) league, and now we’re hosting our first CIF playoff game against Le Grand Bulldogs! Come out to support our Explorers on Tuesday, October 24th at 7:00 PM in our K-8 Gym! CLICK HERE to purchase tickets in advance. No cash will be accepted at the door.
NUSD Flu Shot/COVID Booster Clinic: Our partners at NUSD are hosting a Flu Shot/COVID Booster vaccine clinic on Tuesday, October 24th from 2:00 – 5:00 PM in collaboration with Sacramento County. CLICK HERE for more information.
Red Ribbon Week: We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 23rd through October 27th. This is a national school-centered activity related to making healthy choices by avoiding drugs and alcohol. Parents can team with WCS by talking to their students about what they learn during Red Ribbon Week and opening conversations with students about making positive choices throughout their lives.
K-8 Announcements
Book Fair: Our Scholastic Book Fair is open Monday – Thursday this week! Students will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair during their regularly scheduled library visit and/or after school with a parent/guardian at the times listed below. CLICK HERE to set up your student’s e-wallet, because cash is not accepted at the book fair. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday, October 23rd from 3:00 – 4:30 PM: Parent Shopping
- Tuesday, October 24th from 3:00 – 4:30 PM: Parent Shopping
- Wednesday, October 25th from 1:30 – 3:30 PM: Parent Shopping
- Thursday, October 26th from 3:00 – 6:00 PM: Parent Shopping
Walktober is here: Throughout the month of October we encourage all students to walk to school at least 3 blocks or join our Walking School Bus. Compete to win a prize for your entire class. Have your trip card scanned as many tines as possible from October 16th to October 27th to participate. Classes with at least 30% participation will win a party-in-a box!
K-8 Conferences: Save the date for our K-8 Conference week – Conferences will take place November 13th – 17th. Remember, during conference week we will dismiss early to allow time to meet with each of our families – Kindergarten will dismiss at 1:00 PM and 1st – 8th grade will dismiss at 1:30 PM. Our BASE program will be open after school until 6:00 PM each day. The online scheduler will be open October 30th through November 12th.
Canned Food Drive: Our annual Fall Food Drive benefiting Joey’s Food Locker, and in partnership with the Natomas Chamber of Commerce has begun and will run through November 13th. Our students will participate in a competition the week of October 30th to see what advisory class or grade level can bring in the most donations! At the end of the week the winning classes win a popsicle party! CLICK HERE for more information.
9-12 Announcements
Senior Experience Forum: Families and students are welcome to join us for our initial planning session for our first senior class on Thursday, November 2nd at 5:00pm. This will be a facilitated brainstorming session where families can contribute their thoughts and ideas as to what our traditions and experiences are for seniors.
PSAT/NMSQT: We will administer the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) at WCHS for all 11th graders on Wednesday, October 25th. 11th grade families have received communication with details on the upcoming test and how they can opt their student out of taking this assessment.
During the administration of the test for 11th graders, 9th and 10th graders will be with their advisory teachers for the morning and will have an opportunity to take the practice PSAT. They will also participate in community building with their advisory class. Following lunch, all students will have an extended Flex Block.
Girls Basketball Tryouts: We invite all WCHS girls to tryout for our Varsity Girls Basketball Team! Tryouts will take place on October 30th and 31st from 4:30 – 6:00 PM at our K-8 campus. Students must complete their athletic paperwork and sports physical prior to participating in team tryouts. Reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
Save the Date:
- November 1st @ 6:00 PM: WAVE Board Meeting – K-8 Library
- November 8th @ 8:30 AM: WAVE Coffee Talk – K-8 Covered Dining
- November 29th: Chili Cook-Off
- December 15th: Movie Night
- February 3rd: Winter Ball Family Dance – This is a new event for our school and we need help planning! If you’re interested in joining the committee, reach out Toni Elgamiel at [email protected].
Spirit Store: CLICK HERE to purchase hats, mugs, bags, sweatshirts, ladies fit items, and more. WAVE does not carry an inventory so please be sure to check sizing information before placing your order. All items are made to order and shipped directly to you. Shop now to get items just in time for fall!
Kudos: We really want to thank every single person who has helped or is helping us with the planning and execution of our beloved Fall Festival. Whether it is planning the games, decorating, helping to put together our silent auction class baskets or running for supplies, creating documents, donating supplies, or volunteering time… none of these events would be possible without you. We are so proud to be a part of such a kind, collaborative, and strong community!