Westlake Charter Explorer Families! We’re already in the last trimester of and it’s time to make sure you’ve recorded your recommended parent hours for the 2014-15 school year! If you haven’t done so already, make sure you’re registered and ensure your hours are up-to-date by logging into the volunteer hours recording site: http://westlakecharter.volunteerbuilder.com/
If you’re still looking for hours volunteer hours opportunities, there is still time! Plan on helping out at the end of year field day, in your teacher’s classroom, prepping materials or making copies. Did you know you also get volunteer hours for attending open house (May 21st), WAVE and WCS Board Meetings? We hope to see you at our remaining school meetings and events!
Your time is valuable to us, our school and our students. Studies show over and over again that the more involved you are in your child’s education and school, the more successful they are. And, what a great example you are showing your kids by volunteering. Keep exploring, Westlake Families!