Upcoming Dates

  • Time Change – Fall Back

    Sunday, November 3rd

  • Glee Concert – K-8 Gym

    Wednesday, November 6th @ 6:00 PM

  • Counselor Family Workshop – K-8 Cafeteria

    Thursday, November 7th @ 8:30 AM

  • K-8 Spirit Day – Mix & Match Day

    Friday, November 8th

  • Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL

    Monday, November 11th

  • Virtual Counselor Family Workshop

    Wednesday, November 13th, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

  • K-8 Parent Teacher Conference Week

    November 18th – 22nd


Huge shout out  to all of the wonderful volunteers who made our Fall Festival a success! Thank you to our Classroom Ambassadors and everyone who donated to our silent auction baskets. Thank you to our volunteers who served food, sold tickets, manned game booths, set up and cleaned up.  These events aren’t possible without you! #BetterTogether

Huge shout out to all of the wonderful volunteers who made our Fall Festival a success! Thank you to our Classroom Ambassadors and everyone who donated to our silent auction baskets. Thank you to our volunteers who served food, sold tickets, manned game booths, set up and cleaned up. These events aren’t possible without you! #BetterTogether

This past week, our 12th graders had the incredible opportunity to explore future possibilities during field lessons to American River College and Sacramento State University! Students toured campus facilities, learned about academic programs, and got a firsthand feel for college life at these local institutions. These experiences sparked excitement as our seniors prepare for their next steps beyond high school. We’re so proud of our WCHS founding class of 2025 as they prepare for the next step in their educational journey!

This past week, our 12th graders had the incredible opportunity to explore future possibilities during field lessons to American River College and Sacramento State University! Students toured campus facilities, learned about academic programs, and got a firsthand feel for college life at these local institutions. These experiences sparked excitement as our seniors prepare for their next steps beyond high school. We’re so proud of our WCHS founding class of 2025 as they prepare for the next step in their educational journey!

Our 5th grade team has partnered with Jibe and Project Ride Smart to teach students all about how to safely ride a bike! Some students are riding bikes for the first time, others are learning hand signals, how to look for traffic, right of way, basic bike repair and more! This is another way we demonstrate what is possible when school and community collaborate!

Our 5th grade team has partnered with Jibe and Project Ride Smart to teach students all about how to safely ride a bike! Some students are riding bikes for the first time, others are learning hand signals, how to look for traffic, right of way, basic bike repair and more! This is another way we demonstrate what is possible when school and community collaborate!


K-12 Announcements

Fall Food Drive: Our Annual Fall Food Drive benefiting Joey’s Food Locker begins Monday, November 4th and will run through Wednesday, December 4th, concluding with a can-struction project during our Annual Chili Cook-Off. Food collection bins will be placed in the reception area of each campus. Suggested donations are:

  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Broth/Stock
  • Canned vegetables and chicken
  • Cooking oil
  • Spices (salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc.)

Thank you for helping us give back to our Natomas community!

STEM Career Night Planning: WCHS is currently working to plan our first ever STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Career Night. If you are currently working in the STEM field or know anyone who does work in the STEM field and would like to volunteer their time for this event please CLICK HERE to complete the interest form. The tentative date is Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the evening.

Family Workshop with Counselors: Come join our Westlake Charter School counselors for a workshop related to building academic habits to be career ready. Topics such as time management, goal setting, communication, and advocacy will be covered. We are offering two different dates and times for this workshop:

  • This Week: Thursday, November 7th, 8:30 – 9:30 AM in person on our K-8 Campus
  • Next Week: Wednesday, November 13th, ARC6:00 – 7:00 PM virtually via Google Meet. CLICK HERE to join.

We look forward to learning and collaborating together! CLICK HERE to RSVP, which is encouraged, but not required to attend.

Veterans Day: On Monday, November 11th, Westlake Charter School will be observing Veterans Day.  There will be no school and our BASE program will be closed.

K-8 Announcements

K-8 Conferences: Conference week is November 18th – 22nd. CLICK HERE to schedule your conference. The online scheduler is available October 28th – November 18th so reserve your conference time now. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use the online scheduler.

Lost and Found: Since returning from Fall Break, our Explorers have been bundling up in the mornings for the fall weather and removing those layers by the afternoon because it’s just not quite fall all day yet.  This has led to an overflowing Lost and Found in just two weeks! Please check for any items your Explorer may have misplaced.

K-8 Spirit Day – Mix and Match Day: Mix and Match day will be Friday, November 8th. Dress up in wild colors, mismatched shoes, different colored socks or different patterns (for example, stripes with polka dots, colors that clash, etc.)  Don’t forget to show your WCS spirit by posting pictures on all social media platforms and using the hashtag #WCSSpiritDay!

9-12 Announcements

Call for Coaches: We are excited to announce opportunities for dedicated and passionate individuals within our team to step into key coaching roles for the 2024 – 2025 WCHS Spring Season. We are seeking:

  • Boys Varsity Volleyball Assistant Coach (SPRING 2025)
  • Boys Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach (SPRING 2025)

If you’re interested, please reach out to our high school athletics team at athletics@westlakecharter.com.

Infinite Campus Student Portal – Single Sign On: CLICK HERE for instructions for students to log into Infinite Campus. This is where grades and schedules are posted.  Students will use their Westlake Google account to access Infinite Campus.  Students can either download an app or access from the Web.  If you need support, reach out to admin@westlakecharter.com.

Tenth Grade Hearing Screening: We will have our annual hearing screening for 10th grade on Friday, November 15th. Letters are going home in advisory. If you would like your student to opt out, please email admin@westlakecharter.com.

WCHS Esports: WCHS Esports is offering an additional title this year: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Practices start in late November, pre-season starts in early December, and the season officially begins the week of January 20th. Any high school student interested in joining the team should CLICK HERE to sign up for tryouts. Tryouts are THIS Friday, November 8th at 4:15 PM in room F105 on our K-8 Campus.  CLICK HERE to view the flyer.

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Make your donations today! We demonstrate what is possible when school and community collaborate to create inspiring adults with the academic and social-emotional readiness to lead as Global Citizens. Donate Now