K-12 Announcements
STEM Career Night Planning: WCHS is currently working to plan our first ever STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Career Night. If you are currently working in the STEM field or know anyone who does work in the STEM field and would like to volunteer their time for this event please CLICK HERE to complete the interest form. The tentative date is Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the evening.
Family Workshop with Counselors: Come join our Westlake Charter School counselors for a workshop related to building academic habits to be career ready. Topics such as time management, goal setting, communication, and advocacy will be covered. We are offering two different dates and times for this workshop:
- Thursday, November 7th, 8:30 – 9:30 AM in person on our K-8 Campus
- Wednesday, November 13th, 6:00 – 7:00 PM virtually via Google Meet. CLICK HERE to join.
We look forward to learning and collaborating together! CLICK HERE to RSVP, which is encouraged, but not required to attend.
Special Announcement: Westlake is excited to invite back a longtime Explorer, Mrs. Emily Battin. Mrs. Battin will be returning in the coming week to her previous role of our Director of K-12 School Leadership. Please be sure to give her a warm welcome next time you see her on campus.
K-8 Announcements
Halloween – No Costumes: On our K-8 Campus, Thursday, October 31st is a regular, Uniform Dress Day. No costumes should be worn.
Fall Book Fair: Westlake’s Fall Book Fair is here! Please help us reach our goal and inspire a love of reading in all of our Explorers. All purchases through the book fair, online or in person, benefit our school. Explorers will be able to purchase books during their regularly scheduled library visits with their class using Scholastic eWallet. Cash is not accepted during school hours, so CLICK HERE to load funds onto your child’s eWallet. After school, cash, Apple Pay, credit/debit cards, and eWallets are accepted. Book Fair Hours are as follows:
- Saturday, October 26th at the Fall Festival, 3:00 – 6:00 PM
- Monday, October 28th and Tuesday, October 29th, 3:00 – 4:30 PM
- Wednesday October 30th, 1:30 – 3:30 PM
- Thursday, October 31st, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
K-8 Conferences: Conference week is November 18th – 22nd. CLICK HERE to schedule your conference. The online scheduler is available October 28th – November 18th so reserve your conference time now. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use the online scheduler.
Lost and Found: Since returning from Fall Break, our Explorers have been bundling up in the mornings for the fall weather and removing those layers by the afternoon because it’s just not quite fall all day yet. This has led to an overflowing Lost and Found in just two weeks! Please check for any items your Explorer may have misplaced.
9-12 Announcements
Upcoming Home & Playoff Athletics:
- Monday, October 28th @ 4:00 PM: Boys Varsity Soccer Round 1 Playoffs (Location TBD)
- Tuesday, October 29th @ 6:00 PM: Home – Girls Varsity Volleyball Round 1 Playoffs
- Pending the outcome of 10/28 Game: Tuesday, October 29th @ TBD: Boys Varsity Soccer Round 2 Playoffs (Location TBD)
- Pending the outcome of 10/29 Game: Thursday, October 31st @ 6:00 PM: Girls Varsity Volleyball Round 2 Playoffs (Location TBD)
Seniors to Sacramento State ‘Future Hornet Day’: On Friday, November 1st, the Class of 2025 will be taking a field trip to Sacramento State for their ‘Future Hornet Day’, an annual Preview Day for prospective first year and transfer students that includes a campus tour, resource fair, and on-the-spot admissions. Seniors will depart from campus at 9:00 AM and return by 1:30 PM to finish the school day.
College Applications for Seniors: Senior Families! The submission period for CSU and UC applications opened on October 1st! Counselors made visits to 12th grade advisories during the week of September 30th – October 4th to preview applications and will continue running application workshops during Flex Block through the months of October and November. The deadline to submit applications is December 2nd. If your student needs individualized support or has questions please reach out to our counseling team.
Call for Coaches: We are excited to announce opportunities for dedicated and passionate individuals within our team to step into key coaching roles for the 2024 – 2025 WCHS Spring Season. We are seeking:
- Boys Varsity Volleyball Assistant Coach (SPRING 2025)
- Boys Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach (SPRING 2025)
If you’re interested, please reach out to our high school athletics team at athletics@westlakecharter.com.
Esports: The Esports season is on the horizon; with an expanded roster of games! This year, we will be offering both League of Legends and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as game options. If you are interested in joining either team, attend our Esports info meeting THIS Monday, October 28th at 4:00 PM. We’ll share all the details, including:
- Game offerings
- Season calendar
- Practice location, days, and time
- Game day location, days, and time
- Team structure
Infinite Campus Student Portal – Single Sign On: CLICK HERE for instructions for students to log into Infinite Campus. This is where grades and schedules are posted. Students will use their Westlake Google account to access Infinite Campus. Students can either download an app or access from the Web. If you need support, reach out to admin@westlakecharter.com.
November WAVE General Meeting & Parent Mixer: Save the Date – we are meeting on our K-8 Campus in the Library on Thursday, November 21st from 6:00 – 7:00 PM for our next WAVE General Meeting & Parent Mixer. Come through for a chance to meet other engaged parents and guardians at Westlake and learn about what’s on the horizon for WAVE.
Fall Festival Feedback: We had an amazing Fall Festival on Saturday! Thank you to the dozens of volunteers that made this event possible. Our Westlake Association of Volunteer Explorers (WAVE) runs solely on the support of our dedicated families. We would love your feedback on the event. Please take 2-3 min to fill out THIS SURVEY so we can better improve our future events.
Open WAVE Board Positions: We’re eager to welcome parents/guardians to our WAVE Board who are interested in supporting our efforts in areas like Treasury, Family Engagement, Fundraising, and Community Partnerships.
- Vice President, Parent Participation
- Vice President, Business Affairs
If you’re interested or have any questions, please email us at wavewcs@gmail.com.
Kudos: First and foremost, major shout out to our amazing Fall Festival Committee (Toni Elgamiel, Christina Kimble, Glori Ruslender, Whitney Browning, Monica Sandoval, Amy Edwards, Lily Huynh, and Brittany Greenwood) for putting on this annual event. Your dedication to creating a positive volunteer experience and a memory-making event for families was inspirational.
Secondly, tremendous props to all of the Classroom Ambassadors who worked so hard to create the fantastically themed baskets for the Silent Auction. The size of the baskets and impressive donations were jaw-dropping. You all really showed up and showed out for Westlake!