K-12 Announcements
Red Ribbon Week: We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 21st through October 25th. This is a national school-centered activity related to making healthy choices by avoiding drugs and alcohol. Parents can team with WCS by talking to their students about what they learn during Red Ribbon Week and opening conversations with students about making positive choices throughout their lives.
Founding Families Dedication at the Fall Festival: One way we’re celebrating 20 Years of Joyful Learning is by honoring our Founding Families at the Fall Festival. Join us at the Garden near Classroom D105 at 4:00 PM during the event on Saturday, October 26th for a brief dedication ceremony. Following the ceremony, we will have a booth set up for WCS Founding Families, Alumni, and current families and staff to record a message about what Joyful Learning means to you. Stop by and share your #JoyfulLearning memories! CLICK HERE to find out more about the Fall Festival!
STEM Career Night Planning: WCHS is currently working to plan our first ever STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Career Night. If you are currently working in the STEM field or know anyone who does work in the STEM field and would like to volunteer their time for this event please CLICK HERE to complete the interest form. The tentative date is Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the evening.
K-8 Announcements
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days: Our K-8 Campus will celebrate Red Ribbon Week with the following Spirit Days:
- Monday: Be Brave and active (Active wear)
- Tuesday: Lei off drugs (Hawaiian/Tropical)
- Wednesday: From head to toe, I am drug free (Silly hat and socks)
- Thursday: Be a hero (Dress as your hero)
- Friday: I am drug free
- K-5 wear RED
- 6th wear PURPLE, 7th wear RED, 8th wear GREEN (for MS Rally)
Walktober: There’s still one week left in Walktober to walk to school at least 3 blocks or join our Walking School Bus and have their JIBE trip card scanned. Be sure to walk and have your card scanned as many times as you can between October 14th – 25th. Classes with at least 40% participation will win a party-in-a-box for their entire class. Let’s get moving! CLICK HERE for the information flyer.
K-8 Conferences: Save the date for our K-8 Conference week – Conferences will take place November 18th – 21st. Remember, during conference week we will dismiss early to allow time to meet with each of our families – Kindergarten will dismiss at 1:00 PM and 1st – 8th grade will dismiss at 1:30 PM. Our BASE program will be open after school until 6:00 PM each day. The online scheduler will be open October 28th through November 17th.
9-12 Announcements
Upcoming Home Athletics:
- Monday, October 21st @ 4:00 PM: Home – Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Fortune
Eleventh Grade PSAT/NMSQT: We will administer the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) on campus for 11th grade students THIS Wednesday, October 23rd. Please bring your Chromebook fully charged and head directly to your testing room. Testing rooms will be assigned and shared with students Monday during Advisory. Students will participate in a digital readiness check on Monday during Advisory so it is essential students have their device and attend advisory on Monday so we can prepare for testing.
College Applications for Seniors: Senior Families! The submission period for CSU and UC applications opened on October 1st! Counselors made visits to 12th grade advisories during the week of September 30th – October 4th to preview applications and will continue running application workshops during Flex Block through the months of October and November. The deadline to submit applications is December 2nd. If your student needs individualized support or has questions please reach out to our counseling team.
Call for Coaches: We are excited to announce opportunities for dedicated and passionate individuals within our team to step into key coaching roles for the 2024 – 2025 WCHS Spring Season. We are seeking:
- Boys Varsity Volleyball Assistant Coach (SPRING 2025)
- Boys Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach (SPRING 2025)
If you’re interested, please reach out to our high school athletics team at athletics@westlakecharter.com.
Esports: The Esports season is on the horizon; with an expanded roster of games! This year, we will be offering both League of Legends and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as game options. If you are interested in joining either team, attend our Esports info meeting on Monday, October 28th at 4:00 PM. We’ll share all the details, including:
- Game offerings
- Season calendar
- Practice location, days, and time
- Game day location, days, and time
- Team structure
Cap and Gown Sales on Campus: Premier Grad Products will be on campus at WCHS THIS Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 PM, giving seniors the opportunity to purchase their caps, gowns, tassels, rings and all their must-have graduation gear.
Fall Festival: Our Annual Fall Festival is next Saturday, October 26th from 3:00 – 6:00 PM. This family event is open to the entire community with games suitable for all ages! The Fall Festival features food, a treat walk, pumpkin art, Esports tournament, games, a haunted house, and the ever popular silent auction baskets where all proceeds go directly to the classrooms.
- Silent Auction Baskets: Classroom Ambassadors are leading the effort to put together Homeroom (K-5) and Advisory (6-8) Teachers’ classroom baskets for our K-8 Campus and Grade Level Liaisons are working hard on baskets for each grade level on our WCHS Campus. Look out for information from your Classroom Ambassador(s) and/or Grade Level Liaison(s)!
- Volunteers Needed: Planning is well underway but there is still plenty of time to get in on the fun. We’re asking for volunteers to help run our booths and games. This is a great way for teenage siblings and grandparents to get involved as well! CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer!
- Presale Tickets are available at a discounted rate of $20 for 30 tickets from October 20-25th. CLICK HERE to purchase your presale tickets. Tickets will be $1 each at the event, so purchase early to save!
- Remember, if your child raised $5 or more during the Olympic Triathlon, they earned 5 free Fall Festival tickets. These tickets can be picked up in the presale line at the Ticket Booth at the Fall Festival.
- Fall Festival Esports Tournament: We are excited to announce that there will be a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Esports tournament held in the gym at 3:30 PM during this year’s Fall Festival. The tournament is open to all 4th-12th grade Explorers.
- Explorers will compete in teams of two
- Teams can be mixed ages
- Individuals who are willing to be randomly paired with another player can also enter the tournament
- It will be a double elimination style tournament
- Signing up early ensures a spot
- If there’s still space, we’ll take walk-ins on the day of the Fall Festival up until 3:20 PM
- The tournament begins at 3:30 PM
- CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up
- Founding Families Dedication: One way we’re celebrating 20 Years of Joyful Learning is by honoring our Founding Families at the Fall Festival. Stop by the Garden near Classroom D105 at 4:00 PM for a brief dedication ceremony.
Open WAVE Board Positions: We’re eager to welcome parents/guardians to our WAVE Board who are interested in supporting our efforts in areas like Treasury, Family Engagement, Fundraising, and Community Partnerships.
- Vice President, Parent Participation
- Vice President, Business Affairs
If you’re interested or have any questions, please email us at wavewcs@gmail.com.
Kudos: Huge props to our Kindergarten families who have already clocked over 245 volunteer hours this school year! We’re well on our way to reaching our goal of 5,000 volunteer hours for the year. Remember, every bit of support counts—from helping in the classroom, sending emails, attending WAVE meetings, to prepping for class activities. Be sure to CLICK HERE to log your hours! You’ve earned the recognition, and we appreciate everything you do!