K-12 Announcements
Westlake Weekly Podcast: CLICK HERE for this week’s Westlake Weekly Podcast.
Take Home COVID Tests: Our partners at NUSD have provided us with take-home COVID tests to provide to our students and staff that will be sent home by Friday, February 10th. Testing is not mandatory and we will not be tracking negative tests. As always, we ask staff and students to report positive COVID-19 tests to contact tracing. CLICK HERE to notify our contact tracing team if you test positive; they will reach out to you with return to school timelines.
K-10 Conferences: Save the date for our K-10 Conference week – March 6th to March 10th. Our Canyon Creek conference scheduler goes live to families February 13th. Remember, during conference week we will dismiss early to allow time to meet with each of our families – Kindergarten will dismiss at 1:00 PM and 1st–8th grade will dismiss at 1:30 PM, and High School will dismiss at 1:29 PM. Our K-8 BASE program will be open after school until 6:00 PM each day.
Talent Show: Save the Date – Friday, February 17th @ 6:00 PM for our K-12 Talent Show! Come show your WCS spirit by supporting our performers! Auditions took place on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 on our K8 campus.
WAVE Coffee Talk: Join us on Thursday, February 9th for our WAVE Coffee Talk at the Westlake Charter High School campus, 4400 East Commerce Way, Sacramento, CA 95834. We’ll get the conversation started at 8:30 am and we’d love to have you join!
Spirit Day – Reverse Day: Reverse Day will be Friday, February 17th. Students and staff can wear their clothes backwards and/or inside out and show their WCS spirit by posting pictures on all social media platforms and using the hashtag #WcsSpiritFridays!
February Break: February Break is Monday, February 20th through Friday, February 24th. Both campuses and BASE will be closed for February break. We look forward to welcoming staff and students back on Monday, February 27th.
K-8 Announcements
Middle School Dance: Our student leadership team is preparing for our first middle school dance of the year! The DJ, food, and photo booth fun will take place on Friday, February 10 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the gym. If you are interested in chaperoning or able to donate food for the event CLICK HERE.
K-5 Class Pictures and 6-8 Composites: Good news! Our K-5 class pictures and 6-8th grade composites are ready to be ordered CLICK HERE to order directly from Bill Smith Photography. Online code is first name, last name, and grade combined (ex: Randy Smith in 7th grade would be randysmith7). Pictures will ship directly home – for free shipping, place your order 2/5-2/8. If you have any questions about school photos, please contact Bill Smith Photography at services@billsmithphoto.com or 916-749-1026.
PBIS: Our February core value of the month is Joyful Learning! Practicing and discussing our core values allows us all to use common language to support students in the four areas of: Positive Decision Making, Self Awareness, Social Awareness and Digital Citizenship.
Walk & Bike to School in Winter Giveaway: All students who walk or bike to school and have their Jibe Trip Card scanned at least 10 times in January and February will be entered to win a $25 Target gift card. Five winners will be randomly selected on March 1st. Be sure to visit a parent in an orange apron to have your card scanned or sign up to participate. CLICK HERE to learn more.
8th Grade Information Night: If you were not able to attend the 8th grade information session last week, please CLICK HERE to check out the resources that were provided.
9-12 Announcements
Upcoming Games for the week:
- Thursday, 2/9 6:00 PM Girls Basketball @ HOME vs Leroy Greene
- Thursday, 2/9 7:30 PM Boys Basketball @ HOME vs Leroy Greene
Girls Soccer and Boys Volleyball Information Meeting: All families who have a student in Spring Sports (Boys Volleyball and Girls Soccer) you are invited to attend an Informational Meeting at our K8 campus on February 16th from 6-7PM.
Volunteer Log Competition: The grade level with the most volunteer hours logged in February will choose from a list of prizes including free dress day, picnic with Coach, extra recess, and more. 6th grade is currently in the lead! Please visit Westlake Charter School – Volunteer to log your hours in just a couple minutes. Looking for volunteer opportunities? Please email waveparentvolunteers@gmail.com to learn about our current volunteer needs.
International Festival: Save the date for the 18th annual International Festival on Saturday, April 29th from 3-6pm. We currently need volunteers for the planning committee and cultural booths to get started on the event. To find out how you can get involved with this incredible event please contact waveparentvolunteers@gmail.com.
Kudos: Many students attended the Talent Show auditions last week. The judges were impressed with their talent, passion, and bravery. Thank you to our fantastic Talent Show Committee for bringing this event back to our community. We can’t wait to celebrate our talented Explorers on Friday, February 17th!