Hello All! We hope that you have some exciting plans for Summer Vacation and get some well-deserved rest while you’re at it. We also hope that you can join us for Summer Vacation here at BASE. We know how important it is to find somewhere for the kiddos to go during break. It has to be fun, engaging, and most importantly, safe. That is why we hope  you will choose BASE to satisfy those needs. Find answers to frequently asked questions about our Summer program below.

What does your Summer program offer?

Here at BASE, we love Summer! Our program is specifically geared to meet the interests of each student that attends the program. We accomplish this daunting task with ease by offering what we call Clubs.  The Clubs model works as follows:

Students begin their day by signing up for two clubs- one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. There are four to choose from Monday through Thursday. So, they might choose Sports in the morning and Science in the afternoon. Or maybe, Arts ‘n’ Crafts in the morning and Zumba in the afternoon. This gives the students the power to choose what THEY want to do. And for those of you who want them to get in some Summer reading or math practice, you can sign them up for our Smarter Kids Club. This club allows students the opportunity to not just learn math facts but also real life skills such as how to leave a voicemail or learn their parent’s phone numbers.

Some of the Clubs offered are Science, Gardening, Sports/Fitness, Cooking, Smarter Kids, Music/Dance, and that’s just to name a few. Every staff member gets to plan and facilitate a club. This brings diversity and a fresh new perspective to each club.

What else will my student be doing during the day?

In addition to Clubs, we serve morning and afternoon snack, they have a 30 minute lunch period , have three recesses, and also participate in activities such as games, crafts and free choice time.  And then, there are Fun Fridays. We have Park Days, Water-Play Days, and Parties with Games and Prizes.

Are lunches provided?

No. Please provide your student with a lunch that requires neither heating nor refrigeration.

How much will this cost?

In regards to fees, we understand that Summer care can get expensive and not all Summer programs are flexible. So, we strive to be both affordable and flexible by offering an hourly rate that has a daily cap. So, you can have your student attend for 2 hours while you run a few errands for $6.50/hour, or they can be there 7am-6pm and you won’t pay more than $35.00 for the day. We are a drop-in basis program so that means no pre-planning, no categories to choose from, and no waiting lists. We are here to meet your needs.

How do I enroll my student?

On this page, you will find the “Summer Registration Packet”. Simply print out and complete the forms, return them to the BASE room of your choice and pay the $30.00 registration fee by using the PayPal link also found on this page. Packets and fees must be turned in at least 24 hours before the student’s first day of attendance.


To learn more and take a tour, please join us for our Summer Orientation June 6th at 6:15 pm, at the Del Paso Campus (3800 Del Paso Road, 95834). We hope to see you there!

If you do not see the answers to your questions above, feel free to email Jen Gardner at jgardner@westlakecharter.com