Upcoming Dates

  • WCS Development Committee Meeting

    Monday, March 17th @ 5:00 PM

  • High School 101 – WCHS Commons

    Thursday, March 20th at 5:00 PM

  • Middle School Spring Dance – K-8 Campus

    Friday, March 21st @ 5:00 PM

  • WCHS Spring Dance – WCHS Gym

    Friday, March 21st @ 6:00 PM

  • WAVE Coffee Talk – K-8 Campus

    Thursday, March 27th @ 8:30 AM

  • WCS Finance & Charter Impact Committee Meetings

    Thursday, March 27th @ 5:00 & 6:00 PM

  • WCHS Movie Night – OASIS

    Friday, March 28th

Recent Posts


A big shout out to our incredible families for your participation in conference week! Your thoughtful conversations and reflections on your student’s growth were inspiring. Thank you for your collaboration.

A big shout out to our incredible families for your participation in conference week! Your thoughtful conversations and reflections on your student’s growth were inspiring. Thank you for your collaboration.

One of our favorite events of the year happened this week - Second Grade’s People Who Make A Difference Showcase! Students learned about difference makers in history, and then dressed up as them and shared about their lives and how they impacted those around them.

One of our favorite events of the year happened this week – Second Grade’s People Who Make A Difference Showcase! Students learned about difference makers in history, and then dressed up as them and shared about their lives and how they impacted those around them.

Our WCHS counselors led grade-level assemblies this week to walk students through course selection for the 2025-2026 school year. Counselors highlighted our robust offerings of dual enrollment, honors, A-G courses and dynamic electives.

Our WCHS counselors led grade-level assemblies this week to walk students through course selection for the 2025-2026 school year. Counselors highlighted our robust offerings of dual enrollment, honors, A-G courses and dynamic electives.


K-12 Announcements

Family Survey: The Family Survey is taken three times a year. CLICK HERE to answer six questions to rate your family’s experience at Westlake Charter School during the 2024-25 school year. The deadline is Sunday, March 23rd.

#FlyWithMeInZeroG Campaign: Our very own WCHS Physics and Astronomy teacher, Ms. Domina Stamas, is in the running to be chosen to join MIT Aerospace engineer, Emily Calandrelli, in an exclusive zero-gravity experience – and we’re asking for your help to better her chances at being selected. First, CLICK HERE here to watch her video entry. Next, “LIKE” or give a “thumbs up” on her video. And, last but not least, make your own prediction in the comment section of what you think the gas bubbles will do in Zero G!

20th Annual International Festival: Our 20th Annual International Festival is on Saturday, April 5th from 2:00 – 5:00 PM. We currently have 14 cultural booths signed up to be hosted by 21 Westlake families, and we’re hoping for at least 6 more!  You can choose any country/culture (CLICK HERE for ideas!) and host on your own or partner with someone -make your booth as elaborate or simple as you want!

CLICK HERE to learn more and to  sign up to host a Cultural Booth. Email any questions you have to wcs.ifc.chair@gmail.com.

K-8 Announcements

After School Live – Explorer Enrichment Sign-ups: Our spring Explorer Enrichment programs are starting soon! CLICK HERE to see the catalog of Explorer Enrichment course offerings and information about how to sign up.

Walk/Bike to School Spring Challenge: Jibe’s Step into Spring Challenge runs now through Friday, March 21st, walk, bike, or scoot to school and have your card scanned to participate!  CLICK HERE to learn more or to register for a Trip Scanner Card if you don’t have one.

Middle School Dance: Our student leadership team is preparing for our next Middle School dance on Friday, March 21st from 5:00 – 7:00 PM  in our K-8 Gym! The music, food, and photo opportunities will be so much fun! We are in need of families to volunteer to support this event. Please CLICK HERE to sign up if you are able to help set up, chaperone, clean up or donate food/drinks. Thanks for your support!

K-8 Spring Picture Day: Spring picture day is Friday, April 4th.  All students will have free dress. Only students who have prepaid AND filled out the form will be sent to the photographer to have their picture taken. CLICK HERE if you would like to have your student’s spring picture taken, please fill out the form above AND prepay online or send payment in the packet. All 8th grade students should dress to impress – pictures for promotion certificates will be taken that day.

Fourth – Eighth Grade Explorer Hoops Basketball Academy: Our WCHS Varsity Basketball coaches and players are hosting basketball clinics for our 4th-8th graders! The sessions will take place on Saturday, March 29th and Sunday, March 30th, as well as Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th. The cost is $50 per session and proceeds support our WCHS basketball players in attending summer training camps. CLICK HERE for the flyer. CLICK HERE to register. 

9-12 Announcements

Upcoming Home Athletics:

  • Monday, March 17th @ 4:30 PM: Home – Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Fortune
  • Tuesday, March 18th @ 4:15 PM: WCHS Esports LoL Livestream vs. Chadwick
  • Wednesday, March 19th @ 4:00 PM: Home – Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Forest Lake Christian
  • Thursday, March 20th @ 4:15 PM: WCHS Esports SSBU Livestream vs. Woodcreek
  • Friday, March 21st @ 3:30 PM: Away – Co-Ed Swim at Marysville High School

High School 101 – THIS Thursday, March 20th: Our Annual High School 101 Night will be taking place Thursday, March 20th from 5:00 – 6:30 PM.  This event is for all current high school families. It will be held on our high school campus with presentations from our counseling team. The topics covered at this event include:

  • High School at a Glance
  • Dual Enrollment
  • Financial Aid
  • Senior Year Timeline
  • Spring Senior To Dos

CLICK HERE to RSVP for this in person event.  

WCHS Spring Dance – Western Fiesta: On Friday, March 21st from 6:00 – 8:30 PM WCHS and the Baile Club will be hosting the Western Fiesta Spring Dance on campus.  This event is free to attend but we’re asking that students sign up beforehand to attend.  Concessions including tacos and tres leches cake will be available for purchase. 

Upcoming College Visit Field Lessons for 9th-11th Graders: We are excited to announce the dates for our college visit field lessons for 9th-11th graders!  More details will be sent out to grade levels for each of these opportunities.

  • Current 11th graders: Chico State (Monday, April 7th)
  • Current 10th grades: UC Merced (Thursday, April 24th)
  • Current 9th graders: Sonoma State (Tuesday, April 29th)

2024-2025 WCHS Yearbook: Have you purchased your yearbook yet? If so, thank you for your support! If you haven’t had the chance, you’re in luck!  We were able to secure 19 more  yearbooks!  Don’t miss this opportunity for your student to have a yearbook filled with memories.  CLICK HERE to order today!

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