Upcoming Dates

  • WAVE Board Meeting

    Thursday, December 3rd @ 6:30PM

  • Coffee Talk – Live on YouTube

    Tuesday, December 8th @ 6PM 

  • WCS Governance & WCS Board Meeting

    Thursday, December 10th @ 5:30PM & 6:30PM

  • WCS Development Meeting

    Monday, December 14th @ 4:30PM 

  • WCS Finance & Charter Impact Committee Meeting 

    Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 5PM & 6PM 


Thank you to each and every family who shared their fundraising website, sent letters, and celebrated what they love most about Westlake Charter School during our Olympic Triathlon Fundraiser! Mr. Mallove’s 5th grade class took first place by raising over $3600 and as a school we have raised almost $35,000!

Thank you to each and every family who shared their fundraising website, sent letters, and celebrated what they love most about Westlake Charter School during our Olympic Triathlon Fundraiser! Mr. Mallove’s 5th grade class took first place by raising over $3600 and as a school we have raised almost $35,000!

THANK YOU for demonstrating what is possible when school and community collaborate during our conference week! Thank you for attending your student’s conference, for helping them reflect on their growth, and for sharing celebrations of this unique trimester.

THANK YOU for demonstrating what is possible when school and community collaborate during our conference week! Thank you for attending your student’s conference, for helping them reflect on their growth, and for sharing celebrations of this unique trimester.

Thank you to Amber Hustead, Shari Kantor, and Rocio Owens for  partnering with our Specialties teachers to lead our Olympic Triathlon Event Day. Students loved playing Loteria in Spanish, creating rainbow self portraits in Art, and playing minute to win it games, obstacle courses, and beach ball challenges in PE! Thank you to our families for participating in this day with our students.

Thank you to Amber Hustead, Shari Kantor, and Rocio Owens for partnering with our Specialties teachers to lead our Olympic Triathlon Event Day. Students loved playing Loteria in Spanish, creating rainbow self portraits in Art, and playing minute to win it games, obstacle courses, and beach ball challenges in PE! Thank you to our families for participating in this day with our students.


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School Reopening Plans: Families, please be sure to view our Return to School Guidelines placed on our Return to School website. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]. Your feedback will help make our plans stronger, and will be added to our FAQ’s page each week. Just to clarify our plans, we are prepared to reopen when the Sacramento County Public Health advises us that it is safe to do so. We have our plans in place and when it is deemed appropriate, we will reopen, using our Level 3: Baseline schedule. We will cover all of our orientation training for students and families virtually during distance so that when it is time to return, we can come back to school directly into our Baseline schedule. 

Olympic Triathlon Art Drop Off: Please drop off your student’s completed Olympic Triathlon Art Self Portrait starting December 1st. Look for the drop off box in front of the office in the month of December. We can’t wait to make a K-8 mural from the amazing artwork! 

Report Cards: Our 1st Trimester Report Cards were mailed home on November 13th.  If you have had an address change during this trimester please let our team know by emailing [email protected]

Lottery Opens December 1st: Our 2021-22 lottery application window will open on Tuesday, December 1st and will include our first freshman class at Westlake Charter High School! Current students do not need to fill out an application to continue their enrollment at WCS; however, siblings do need to fill out lottery applications to attend. Visit Joinwestlake.com on December 1st to apply. 

Counselor’s Corner: Families, click HERE to check out the December newsletter from our counselor, Jessica Krivoy on the Counselor’s Corner.

Afterschool Clubs:  We are excited to bring back Afterschool Live Clubs! These clubs are an opportunity for students to socialize/play with peers that share the same interest. These virtual clubs will run after school from 2:00-2:30PM.  The first club session will run from December 7th – 17th. If you are interested in participating in clubs click HERE to sign up here.  More details will be emailed to you after you sign up. 

  • Club Days:
    • Monday – Kindergarten and First Grade 
    • Tuesday – Second and Third Grade
    • Thursday – Fourth and Fifth Grade
    • Friday – Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade

High School Happenings:

Spread the word to our community! We are so excited for our first ever 9th grade lottery to open on December 1st. This is a great opportunity to join the Westlake Charter School Family. Share our WCHS page with friends and family who are shopping for high schools!  Click HERE for our WCHS page. 

In case you missed it:

School Picture Pick Up: If you did not pick up your School Pictures this week, please click HERE to schedule an appointment to pick them up. If your student had their picture taken, but you did not order a package yet, you will get a half-sheet proof of your student’s picture with instructions on ordering. 

Guidebook to Reopening: Click HERE to read our Guidebook to Reopening. The guidebook includes overviews of processes and protocols we will use when we are able to safely return to campus, as well as a brief update about what it means that Sacramento County is now in the Purple Tier. 

City of Sacramento Offers Free Digital Resources: The City of Sacramento has launched a Digital Equity Response program which will provide internet connectivity, devices and hotspots to qualifying families. You may qualify to receive internet services, computers and digital training at no cost if you are eligible for public assistance programs and live in the City of Sacramento. Apply by calling 211 or visit sacramentocovidrelief.org/digital.

Office Appointments: During Distance Learning, our office is not open for visitors. If you need to pick up a device, headphones, or missed a Distance Learning Kit pick up, please click HERE to make an appointment to pick up your item. Without an appointment, we may not have your items prepared, or may not have staff available to help. For virtual support, you can call 916-567-5760 or email [email protected] 

Distance Learning Technical Help Desk – Now Open: Westlake Charter School has created a digital Help Desk to support our families during this time of Distance Learning. Our Help Desk can be contacted via chat, email or phone. For more information on how to contact our Help Desk, and our operating days and hours, please click HERE

Olympic Triathlon Classroom Winners: Congratulations to Mr. Mallove’s class and Ms. Folden’s class for receiving 100% participation. Both classes win a virtual class party! Congratulations to the following classes for also earning a class party by receiving the highest total donations:

  • 1st-Mr. Mallove’s 5th Graders
  • 2nd-Ms. Brunnmeier’s 7th Graders
  • 3rd-Mr. Aichele’s 6th Graders
  • Congratulations to all Explorer Families for raising a combined total of $35,000!

Monthly WAVE Meeting: Once a month we host a parent/guardian meeting to discuss building community, fundraising, events and so much more. Please join us on Thursday, December 3rd at 6:30pm by clicking https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88525411239?pwd=TkhxYWFIdyt5RnZSRWcwRmxSQXdSUT09. A copy of the meeting agenda can be found by clicking HERE.
Kudos: As we reflect on conference week, we are reminded of how unique the 20/21 school year is for everyone. Kudos to our students for continuing to demonstrate our core values, especially perseverance, while in distance learning. Keep up the incredible work, Explorers!

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