Upcoming Dates
WCS Board Meeting
Thursday, July 9th @ 6:30 PM
WCS Governance Committee Meeting
Thursday, July 9th @ 5:30 PM
BASE Opening
Monday, July 13th
Fall Planning:
Families, we would like to thank and celebrate the hundreds of hours that our staff have put in this summer to plan for the fall. Many of your teachers have been working voluntarily in collaborative groups to ensure that the fall trimester launches safely, productively, and on time.
We have developed an informational website that highlights our latest planning for the opening of school on August 12, 2020. We will be updating this website with increasingly detailed information on July 12th, 19th, 26th, August 2nd, and 9th, leading up to the opening of school.
Click HERE to view our Fall Planning Site, including important information about our plans for reopening school in the fall, as well as responses to frequently asked questions which we have received over these past several weeks.
Distance Learning Options in the Fall:
As you will read on our Fall Planning Website, Westlake is planning for a phased five-level approach to reopening school. In the event that a school closure is mandated, we are planning for a redesigned version of Distance Learning including daily live interaction with staff and peers. We are also planning for an orientation phase which brings students back to campus in very small groups so that each can get the individual attention needed to feel safe while learning our newly designed safety protocols. Our third phase includes both in-class days as well as distance learning days, and our fourth phase may get every student back on campus daily.
On July 12, we will begin to survey families if they would prefer to begin the year on full time Distance Learning. Families who select this option will continue to be a part of a classroom where your student will interact with her/his peers and teacher daily. Families who select this option will have the opportunity to return to school when they are ready.