Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

  • Walking Wednesday – Del Paso
  • PBL Forces Night – Pebblewood Cafeteria – 6:00 PM

Thursday, February 25, 2016

  • 4-8th Grade ATS Testing
    • 5-8th Grade – 3:00 PM Pebblewood Ms. Sutton’s Room
    • 4th Grade – 4:00 PM Del Paso Ms. Hewitt’s Room

Friday, February 26, 2016

  • Footloose Friday – Del Paso
  • WAVE Movie Night – Del Paso Cafeteria – 6:00 PM


Parents Go To School Night – Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00 PM on the Del Paso campus


We couldn’t go this week without recognizing our amazing middle school science teachers and students. The science fair was impressive!  The science team was organized, prepared, and excited to have their students showcase their learning to a public audience. The students were amazing! They were well spoken, prepared, and eager to share their learnings. It was definitely an example of joyful learning! Science Fair
Talent Show Westlake’s Got Talent! The Talent Show last Friday was a phenomenal demonstration of all the talent our students possess.  There was singing, dancing, and even roller skating.  This event was made possible by the amazing talent show team lead by Michelle Ho and Danielle Rojo. A huge shout out to the entire team:  Whitney Kavanas, Whitney Ueltzen, and Kim Hewitt.
In 8th grade this past week, our students have been sharing their beautiful spoken word poetry. The students have practiced, memorized, and performed their poetry, which shared many of their deep feelings and thoughts  The top performers will present at the PBL Showcase on Wednesday, February 24th. poetry
Wilson Debbie Wilson’s 2nd Grade Googlers were seen this past week using the Google Research Tool to embed and footnote images onto a title page for their upcoming People Who Make a Difference reports. These 2nd graders are already learning to change type font, size and color, as well as being exposed to MLA formatting for footnotes! Great job, Explorers!
Westlake Charter takes Joyful Learning seriously! Take a look at the video to the right to watch our kids create Jackson Pollock inspired art by painting with Sphero robots!

NMag Look for our very own Assistant Principal, Mrs. Eick, featured in the March issue of NMagazine!


For the Whole School

PBL Forces Night: Project Based Learning (PBL) is being recognized across the nation as an exemplary method to meet the rigorous demands of the Common Core State Standards as well as to inspire creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communications skills required of the 21st Century classroom. Our Forces unit is a great example of project based learning at its best and we invite everyone out to our PBL Forces Night to see for yourself how students weave together science and humanities into a single expression of learning! Join us this Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Pebblewood cafeteria!

Parents Go to School Night: Come see what LEARNING is all about at WCS on Thursday, March 3rd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. WCS teachers will be hosting Parents Go To School Night.  Parents are invited for a night of parent workshops, information, and fun!  Workshops include Parent’s Guide to Homework, Project Based Learning, Mindfulness in Education, Google Apps and Google Classroom, How to Get My Students Really Reading and more!  Save the date!

Dress Code: As the weather starts to change, please take a moment to refresh your student on the Uniform Policy.  Click HERE to read the Dress Code At A Glance, or HERE to read the full policy.

For Del Paso

Our school’s cafeteria campaign has been running for four weeks!  We have seen many positive results from this campaign.  

  • 20+ students were celebrated for their behavior in the cafeteria!
  • Parents reached out to members of the Compass Crew team to report that their child is eating more of their lunch and feeling more comfortable eating in the cafeteria.
  • Teachers have reported students coming back to class with finished lunches.

The Compass Crew will continue to work to make the cafeteria campaign run as smoothly as possible!

For Pebblewood

End of the Trimester Conferences: We will be wrapping up our second Trimester on March 11th.  We will then hold end of the trimester student-led conferences the week of March 14th.  These conferences are a great time for students, teachers and parents to meet to discuss your student’s progress during the second trimester.  Please look for information from your student’s advisory teacher to sign up for conferences in the coming weeks.

Explorer’s Don’t Miss Your Flight:  Our school’s transition campaign has been in full swing for two weeks.  Because of the structures put in place, we have decreased the amount of tardies to and from classes and therefore increasing instructional time! Way to go, Explorers!

Academic Talent Search (ATS) Testing:  ATS Testing will be held Thursday, February 25th in Mrs. Sutton’s room at 3:00 pm.  If your child turned in a permission slip, they should attend this testing session.  Please remember to send $15 with your student for testing.