Upcoming Dates
WCS Development Committee Meeting
Monday, August 19th @ 5:00 PM
WAVE Meeting – K-8 Library
Monday, August 19th @ 6:30 PM
K-12 Picture Day
Tuesday, August 20th
K-8 Back to School Night
Wednesday, August 21st
WCS Finance & Charter Impact Committee Meetings
Thursday, August 22nd @ 5:00 & 6:00 PM
WCHS Back to School Night
Wednesday, August 28th
Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
Monday, September 2nd

Westlake Charter High School rolled out over 25 student-led clubs for our 9-12th grade Explorers at Friday’s Club Rush. The broad assortment of club offerings, from Dungeons & Dragons, Badminton, and M.S.A. to National Honors Society, Key Club, and H.E.A.L. showcase the diversity of our school community and really provide something for everyone!

Our K-8 students have been learning expectations both inside classrooms and outside in common areas around campus. Being safe, respectful and responsible is the Westlake WAY!! Congratulations to all of the classes that earned a popsicle party on Friday!

We are so excited about the expansion of our high school campus! The addition of the five new bungalows and an expanded OASIS allow our students more space to learn and grow in a vibrant and welcoming environment.
K-12 Announcements
Field Lessons and School Supplies: CLICK HERE to make your Field Lessons and School Supplies donations today. Last year, our school spent over $180,000 on Field Lessons and School Supplies, and to make this year just as amazing, we need your help! Please make your donation today, and if you have the ability, feel free to sponsor a student who may not be able to make a donation this year! Thank you #ExplorerFamilies!
Free and Reduced Price Meals: Families, each year it is incredibly important to our school that we are able to account for every student during this form collection process. We are authorized by the Natomas Unified School District and as a part of our partnership, we commit to collecting these forms from every family. Physical copies of the 2024-25 application were sent home last week. So, please, complete this form for every student in your family. While meals remain free for all students this school year, this is important data for our Charter authorization.
- CLICK HERE to complete the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) acknowledgement form which will allow us to ensure everyone has received this information. Even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced priced meals, please complete the form for our tracking purposes.
- CLICK HERE to complete the FRPM application online.
Family Handbooks: Please be sure to CLICK HERE to read our WCS K-8 Family Handbook and/or CLICK HERE to read our WCHS Family Handbook. Our Family Handbooks include important information such as our WCS Core Values, dress code information, attendance, health and safety protocols, and so much more.
Fall Picture Day: Kindergarten-12th grade picture day will be on Tuesday, August 20th at both campuses. This is a uniform picture day for our K-8 campus. All students will have their picture taken for the yearbook and student IDs, even if they don’t purchase a picture package. CLICK HERE to pre-purchase your picture.
Labor Day: Westlake Charter School and our BASE program will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.
K-8 Announcements
K-8 Back to School Night: Our K-8 Back to School Night is THIS Wednesday, August 21st. To the best of our ability, we would like to keep this event distraction free by encouraging families to make this a non-student event. This will allow for teachers and families to connect in a distraction-free environment. For families that need supervision, our BASE program will be available to help, however, space is potentially limited. If you know that you will need childcare to attend this event, please CLICK HERE to RSVP for BASE as soon as possible so that we can properly prepare.
- Kindergarten through 5th Grade Families: We have two identical sessions, you only need to attend one. Session one is 6:00 – 6:30 PM, session two is 6:40 – 7:10 PM. You will watch a video from your child’s specialty teacher(s).
- 6th-8th Grade Families: We have two identical sessions, you only need to attend one. Session one is 5:00 – 5:40 PM, session two is 6:00 – 6:40 PM. During these sessions, you will meet with your student’s core teachers and specialty teachers. Check in with your students that have created your schedule for the evening.
After School Live – Explorer Enrichment & Middle School Athletics Sign-ups: Our fall Explorer Enrichment and Middle School Athletics programs are starting soon!
- CLICK HERE to see the catalog of Explorer Enrichment course offerings and information about how to sign up. E-mail [email protected] with scholarship inquiries.
- HOOPS are here! All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Explorers are invited to come play basketball! The season starts the week of August 26th. Athlete packets, including a doctor’s physical clearance, are required for participation.
- CLICK HERE to sign a middle schooler up for basketball!
- CLICK HERE for the digital athlete packet, or pick up a hard copy from the front desk or Coach Sterling.
- Email Coach Sterling with any questions at [email protected] and check back next week for more information!
Learning Lab: The Learning Lab will officially open after school beginning Monday, August 19th. We want to invite 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to the Learning Lab afterschool. The Learning Lab is staffed by an Instructional Aide to assist Middle School students with their classwork and homework. Families can sign up their Middle School student(s) by using School Dismissal Manager. The Learning Lab is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:15 – 3:45 PM.
9-12 Announcements
WCHS Back to School Night: Our WCHS Back to School Night is on Wednesday, August 28th. The evening will begin with an optional gathering in the OASIS and Commons at 5:00 PM where families can pick up their student’s class schedule and learn more about our high school program. Classrooms will be open for presentations from 5:30 – 6:45 PM. Families will rotate through their student’s classrooms following their class schedule.
Resources for Class of 2025: Thank you to those of us who were able to join for our Senior Information Night! We hope you found the session informative and helpful as we navigate this exciting final year of high school together. CLICK HERE to view the slide show from last night: This includes all the information discussed, including dates, graduation requirements, and post-graduation planning. CLICK HERE to visit our senior class website: Stay updated with the latest news, resources, and additional materials throughout the year.
Course Change Requests and Honors Courses: CLICK HERE for the Course Change Request form. Course Change Requests will be accepted until THIS Tuesday, August 20th. Please note that students must be logged into their Westlake accounts to complete the form. Additionally, beginning in 10th grade students at WCHS can opt into embedded honors courses. During the first two weeks of school, teachers will be sharing their honors syllabi and exposing students to honors level work. Students may opt in to taking an honors course by using the Course Change Request form.
Infinite Campus Grade Books: We appreciate your patience as our new Infinite Campus grade book is still being finalized. We want to ensure accuracy and ease of access as we complete the setup. We will notify families when the grade book is available to view your student’s progress. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Co-Ed Cross Country: It’s not late to join our Cross Country Team for the fall season! Our head cross country coach, Mr. Schoenberg, has room for more Explorer Athletes who are interested in running with the team. If you’re interested, email our Athletics Team at [email protected] for more details and to get started on your athletic clearance requirements.
Meet with our Counseling Department: Our incredible WCHS counseling department, which includes Ms. Parwana Daud and Ms. Carli Fabbri, is excited to partner with families. CLICK HERE to connect with your student’s counselor for a meeting or a phone call. Counseling caseloads are split as follows:
- Students with last names A-K: Ms. Daud
- Students with last names L-Z: Ms. Fabbri
Uniform Swap Opportunity: If you have WCS K-8 uniforms in your closet that you no longer need, and you’d like to donate them to the clothes closet for future Uniform Swaps, please drop them off at the WCHS front office and we’ll deliver them to the K-8 campus to be put to good use.
Class Ambassadors and K-8 Grade Level Liaisons: WAVE seeks Class Ambassadors and K-8 Grade Level Liaisons for the 2024 – 2025 school year. Be the representative for your child’s classroom, helping WAVE to bridge the communication gap between parents, teachers, and the community.
- What is a Class Ambassador or Grade Level Liaison?
- Class Ambassadors serve as the classroom liaison between the teachers, the parents, and WAVE. They are important members of the Westlake parent community, becoming the source of information for upcoming events and activities in their child’s classroom. We hope to have at least one ambassador per classroom. Class Ambassadors will report to a Grade Level Liaison for their respective grade levels.
- Grade Level Liaisons will be the lead coordinator and communicator for the Classroom Ambassadors.
- What is the time commitment for the Class Ambassador or Grade Level Liaison?
- Monthly WAVE Meeting – 1 hr/month
- Communicating with other parents – 0-2 hrs/month
As a Class Ambassador, you will help to foster community at Westlake. Class Ambassadors can leverage relationships to make Westlake the best possible school for our kids (all while getting to know other parents in your child’s class better!). CLICK HERE to sign up to become a Class Ambassador or Grade Level Liaison.
Board Positions and Committee Chairs: WAVE is excited to offer some fantastic leadership opportunities for anyone passionate about making a difference in the Westlake community. We’re looking for Committee Chairs for several exciting events, including:
- Fall Festival
- Themed Nights
- Family Dance
- International Festival
- Classroom Ambassador Program
- Social Media & Communications
Additionally, we’re eager to welcome parents to our WAVE Board who are interested in supporting our efforts in areas like Treasury, Parent Engagement, Fundraising, and Community Partnerships. Whether you’d like to contribute as part of a committee or in an advisory role, we’d love to hear from you! If you’re interested or have any questions, please contact us via the email below.
CLICK HERE to sign up or learn more; or email us at [email protected].
Save the Date:
- Monday, August 19th @ 6:30 PM: WAVE Meeting – K-8 Library
Kudos: We would like to celebrate Dave Edwards for working tirelessly for the last two weeks to update the WAVE website and set up the Classroom Ambassador and Grade Level Liaison sign-ups. Come out to Monday’s WAVE Meeting to give him a shoutout!